"Who Wants to be Famous? Who Wants to Die for Art?"

Nov 12, 2009 00:55

Watching Female Trouble at work is the best. While the rest of the house sleeps, I can take a journey through one of the trashiest films ever made. Divine is…well, divine in this movie (and always). I think that it is probably my favorite John Waters’ film. It is definitely making my shift a lot more tolerable.

The work Internet is going retarded every five minutes. I hope this clears up so I won’t have to go back in and unplug the box for a third time.


I know that I am rapidly changing. I have felt it for a long time, and now, I know that things will get better. I am glad to have supportive people close to me. TJ and Leila have been there for me most recently through what seems like an endless end to a problem that should have never been. I have been resolved for quite some time to better myself, and I feel like it may actually be paying off.

There are still some things that plague me. I have to let go of so many stressers in my life to a certain extent or risk losing my mind. I will be glad when we finally get the house finished, and I can be farther away from nosey, bitchy, inconsiderate people.

I have done a fairly good job at ridding myself of unworthy people this year, and I believe it has done a world of good. I think that many of my problems stem from allowing my mind to idle and filling the gaps with negative rather than positive. I need to try harder to remedy this.

Leila has given me a lot of great things to think about. I now have memories to celebrate. There is a level of uncertainty as to what course we will take, but I'm willing to allow time for that to develop.

TJ has been wonderful to me in these past few months, and I really have no complaints in that department.

I am trying to fill my time more efficiently now. I am working on setting up photoshoots for the end of this month. I am quickly gathering ideas and kicking my fitness endeavors into high gear. This weekend, I cannot schedule one because I will be going to a concert.

I have been ridiculously tired this week. I imagine it is because I have been sick again and my period is on its way. I hate you, PMS -- so much.

sickness, anxiety issues, relationships, girl stuff, end of bad times, little redheaded girl, movies, unworthy people, moving, modeling, tj, no more drama!, bettering myself, new house, things i like, life

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