It's Gonna Be A Bad Day.

Nov 06, 2009 00:32

It has been a rough day today for several reasons.

Emotionally, I have been all over the place. Sensitive, sadness, anxious -- and I know that it is coming from PMS, but it doesn't make it less of an inconvenience for me right now.

My laptop is completely riddled with viruses and is almost completely non-functional right now. TJ was nice enough to lend me his laptop for the night, as he helps me work on mine. I worked on it for three hours straight this morning, beginning at 4 a.m., when all hell broke loose. I can't really say right now how much/what it is going to take to fix it, but it sucks for me.

TJ woke me up to tell me that he had to take his puppy to the pound. She had pretty badly gored one of his mom's chickens, and it was suffering/bleeding to death. He was really upset about it, but he knew it had to be done to prevent her from doing it again and thereby showing our other puppies it is OK to do that. Blondie was such a sweet and loving puppy, but very hard to train. She was all the time getting into mischief, only this time, it went way too far. He has had to fight back the tears. Action had to occur so immediately that Trenton and I didn't get to say goodbye. I am so sad, but I know that it is only a fraction of what TJ is going through.

I was 15 minutes late to work this evening. Someone hogged the bathroom during my window to take a shower, and rather than skip it and skanking it all night, I waited, took a shower and started to go on my way. It wouldn't have been as bad but Mikey started barking at something and ran away for a few minutes. I called my co-worker, and he said it was OK.

I guess the light at the end of the tunnel is Leila's arrival tomorrow morning. I tried not to get too excited about it during the week, but now, I really am looking forward to being with her. I suppose that is a good thing to have go right.

emotional blahblahblah, girl stuff, work, tj, sad times, unfortunate happenings, the other, little redheaded girl, computer problems, trenton, blondie the puppy

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