The Daily Goods.

Oct 26, 2009 11:03

  • 14:35 @ oneboyarmy is at my house! #
  • 16:57 At the new Mexican restaurant with hubby and @oneboyarmy. @srmcgrew is here, too! #
  • 17:03 Plastic man panties! #
  • 17:09 Rabies making babies. #
  • 18:38 @ modelnicotine UGH! That makes me never want to watch Law and Order again! #
  • 18:40 @ modelnicotine Though I probably will -- and turn off the TV if that episode is on so I don't throw things. #
  • 22:15 @ desdemona47 Elaine's babies full of rabies. #
  • 22:35 #itshouldbeillegal for me to write a #lettertomyex. And it probably is, depending on the ex. #
  • 23:38 My ginger not-girlfriend is a hawt bish. #
  • 02:23 @ Vivka It looks very nice. #
  • 02:30 "A knife so sharp, you can cut a pineapple in mid-air!" #
  • 02:48 @ Vivka I like the new icon, too. #
  • 03:07 She Wants Revenge "Up and Down" EP, P Smith "Horses," NIN "Year Zero," Amy Winehouse "Back to Black," Madonna "Confessions..." #musicmonday #
  • 03:58 @ BrandonFord I know! I had it on constant loop a few days this week. :) #
  • 04:01 "Time died at a quarter to Midnight/ the scent of a ghost fills the air/ the clock on the wall broke down to fall...." #
  • 04:01 "my bleeding head on the baseboard/ my how nothing changes different men in the same positions." #musicmonday #
  • 05:30 Song of the morning: "Girls and Boys" by Blur #musicmonday #
  • 05:32 You know, because I do girls like they're boys. #
  • 06:43 These footie PJs give me a comfort I've never known! #
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