(no subject)

Oct 26, 2009 05:11

I have been feeling much better today than I've been accustomed to in quite some time.  It is a higher frequency of good days, while rare it seems, that lead me to believe that I am getting better.

TJ should be going back to work either today or Tuesday.  With this development comes great change.  It will be quite soon that he and I will be able to move out once the money that job affords us returns.  I have no idea when or if I'll be returning back to my normal occupation, but I will be happy when it does happen.  I like this job, but again, not the hours.  I have always been a night owl, but this is a little excessive for me.  It is different knowing that if you get tired, you can go to sleep or that if you just get to sleep before 4 then you can actually get something done during the day.  The way it is now, I have to either sleep in shifts or stay up later in the morning in order to make it work.

Speaking of a situation in which that is necessary...
A few months ago, I was still being harassed by my previous  car insurance providers to pay them money I did not owe them.  We got the issue resolved, in writing even, but I started getting yelled at again by them to send the money in.  After arguing with a girl on the phone and insisting the issue had been resolved, I finally just gave in because at the time, the loss of money wasn't too hard of a blow.  While it may have been a stupid decision to make at the time, it became profitable.  Friday, I received a refund of $430 from the company, which is almost the entire amount I was made to pay.  This leads me to believe that everything truly does happen for a reason.  I had nearly hit rock financially, and now, I am being rewarded, in some ways, by their rectification of their mistake and my loss of funds to them.  Perfect timing, really.

On a sadder note, Trenton has become sick again.  He and I both had a viral infection last week.  I am nearly over mine, but today, he started feeling worse and had a fever of 102.2.  I gave him awesome fruit smoothie filled with vitamins and antioxidants, and in under two hours, his fever dropped to 100.5.  Hooray for the power of all natural healing!  He said he was feeling a little better after a nap, but if he still isn't feeling well tomorrow, I will probably let him stay home from school.  There are too many bugs going around and swine flu and nonsense for me to risk making his situation worse if I don't have to.  But he is a tough kid and may feel loads better tomorrow.  It is not uncommon for Trenton to get a fever and feel bad for a day and be completely fine the day.

And completely unrelated:
11 days until Leila will be here!

girls, sickness, moving, moneys, end of bad times, work, tj, new house, the other, little redheaded girl, trenton

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