(no subject)

Sep 18, 2009 04:16

So after a few weeks of thought and asking around, I decided to start a music review blog -- afiend_reviews. I have two reviews up so far for Lady Gaga's The Fame and Nine Inch Nails's Year Zero. Feel free to friend me, comment, whatever. It's all in fun!

Has anyone else seen this? Hillarious! I love me some Ellen Degeneres, and Paula actually did a good job at impersonating her.

I'm so glad it's Friday! I haven't been feeling so great this week. When you figure in the weird sleep schedule, the lack of smoking for the past 3.5 weeks, being on my period and allergies/seasonal shift, you've got yourself a recipe for disaster. I spent much of the past two days sleeping when I haven't been at work. I'm starting to feel better. I'll be glad when I no longer feel sick, as I have been for most of this year.

Tomorrow, I plan to go to the gym if I'm not feeling like completely garbage. I'll love spending more time with TJ, Trenton and my friends.

Speaking of which, do you ever get the feeling like it would be in your best interest to "take a break" from some of your friends? I've been feeling like that lately, and I'm almost completely positive that it has to do with wanting to avoid confrontation. There are things that have been bothering me over an extended period of time, and it boils down to being tired of being stepped on. I've talked to a few of my other friends about this, and I appreciate their support. I just hope that I can get this resolved because I don't feel like I should be bullied by my friends.

emotional blahblahblah, sickness, music review blog, girl stuff, family, work, tj, fitness, quitting smoking, music, success!, trenton, friends

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