(no subject)

Sep 06, 2009 02:55

TJ and I have the house to ourselves for a bit. Trenton went camping with TJ's parents today. He'll either be back tomorrow or Monday.

TJ and I invested our free time first into seeing a couple of movies. Inglorious Basterds is really good, and I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it yet. Who am I kidding? If you've already seen it, see it again! We took desdemona47 with us and then to dinner at Kings. She went home, and we went back to the theatre to watch The Final Destination. It is terrible, and I was incredibly disappointed, as I enjoyed watching all of the others in the series. But this was 80 minutes of crap. The eye candy [read: hot redheaded girl] is about the only thing that kept me "interested." Don't waste your time watching it.

We hung out with Elaine a little more before retiring to the bedroom for hot steamy sex that still has my girl parts burning.

I am trying so desperately to enjoy life again. I almost had a panic attack today. I'm sure that most of what I'm going through is nicotine withdrawal. By the way -- it has been 13 days since my last cigarette, and I haven't so much as even taken a drag off of another person's smoke. If I can conquer the first two weeks, I've got it made.

sex, panic attacks, tj, bettering myself, quitting smoking, success!, trenton, movies

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