(no subject)

Aug 28, 2009 01:19

I went with the top choice. You like?

Also, I started a new job. I work night shift (11 p.m.-7 a.m.), Sunday-Thursday, at a group home for troubled boys ages 13-17. Tonight is my first real shift, and I heart it. I get to be online, watch TV and hang out with my puppy with a kitchen at my disposal in exchange for doing some housework and every half-hour bed checks. I'll actually have money! Yay!

TJ and his boss reached a mutual agreement that the 88 wasn't a good fit for him; so, he'll just be on call for events. I'm sure that this is a great relief for him because the job was stressing him out.

desdemona47 had a death in the family and had to fly to Florida. I am taking care of two of her dogs for the time being. I took Trenton and TJ over with me this evening, and Trenton really enjoyed spending time with them. Jackson and Sassy liked spending time with people and Mikey. And no one went hungry. After my shift tomorrow, I go back over to check on them.

Things have been so hectic lately, but they seem to be working out for the best.

Also, I am coming up on DAY 5 without cigarettes. I still feel funny, a little jittery and sore. But if this is the worst it's going to get, I'll be just fine.

I'm contemplating a bowl of cereal.

IM me, bitches.

mikey the puppy, moneys, work, tj, bettering myself, quitting smoking, pics, trenton, hair

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