Freudian Slips on Suburban Hips.

Aug 05, 2009 20:52

I think all of the time, and that has worked against me in my particular struggle. It is to the point now where it almost hurts to think because I've tuned so much of the bad noise out. But I am starting to regain interest in things I had long abandoned. Things are definitely looking up. I just feel...weird sometimes -- my perspective has changed enough that sometimes, I feel terrified of my existence. It is weaker than it was before. My anxiety hasn't taken me to complete meltdown in a while now. This is just one more hurdle to jump over before I'm completely healed.

Day 3 of the mission to quit smoking. I am having some of physical and psychological symptoms of withdrawal, even though I'm still smoking eight cigarettes a day. I know that I'll get used to this part of the step-down soon. Then, I'll probably go through something similar for a couple days every week I continue to step down. Honestly, I think it's the best for me. I don't believe I'm stable enough to tackle something as intense as withdrawal all at once. I did that with the birth control, and I'm still in fucking therapy.

I am just going to continue to distract myself and feed my head good things.

I went to the gym with George today. I exercised 5 days last week, and I've done 3 days so far this week. Better self esteem + endorphins = healthy mind for me.

The only bad thing that happened today is finding that Mikey has chewed up most of my high heels.

fitness, quitting smoking, emotional blahblahblah, anxiety issues, mikey the puppy, end of bad times, bettering myself

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