(no subject)

Aug 04, 2009 19:17

I currently love the following things:

-- The Placebo song "Kitty Litter."
-- Chuck Palahniuk novels. I've read Rant and Fight Club, and I just bought Choke and Haunted to read in the near future.
-- Old MTV cartoons. MTV2 was running "MTV Oddities" the other night. I hadn't seen "The Head" since 1996. I wish I could get my hands on some of that. Also, I dug out my Best of Liquid Television DVD the other night to quench my extreme hankering.
-- Being a blonde.
-- Lady GaGa. I haven't been excited about someone in popular music since...God, 12ish years ago?
-- Celebrity gossip. Blame US Weekly.
-- Bad TV.
-- Not having to wear a rubber band anymore.
-- Having gone over a month with no panic attacks.
-- Exercise, and plenty of it. I've already started to see progress.
-- Having found my lost Lords of Acid CD.
-- Having the best husband/son/puppy ev-ar.
-- No drama. [YET! Haha!]
-- Good friends.
-- Being the healthiest I've been in ages.


The journey to quit smoking -- day 2. It is almost 7:30, and I've only had three cigarettes so far. Yesterday, I didn't have as many withdrawal symptoms as today, but I'm going with it. Whatever. I'm done with feeling like shit.

Mikey had a flea infestation, and TJ and I were up until 6 a.m. cleaning them off of him. He feels/looks better now. Where were you, Frontline? You're supposed to kill those bitches.

We did eventually shut all of the light of dawn out and get some sleep. We watched Desperate Living ["Go home to your mother! Doesn't she ever watch you? Tell her this isn't some communist daycare center! Tell your mother I hate her! Tell your mother I hate you!"] I had forgotten how much I love it.

Speaking of John Waters related things, I just finished reading Fight Club [DELIGHTFUL!], and I'm getting ready to read My Son Divine by Francis Milstead (Divine's mother). It looks to be an interesting read.

Nothing interesting planned for this evening as of yet. Tomorrow -- pay bills, take my sister home, go to the gym. Yeeehaww!

But the one thing I do have to look forward to is TJ's tuna steaks. He is a goooood cook.

This week, I will continue to look forward to oneboyarmy's annual birthday visit. I heart him.

tv, anxiety issues, mikey the puppy, end of bad times, panic attacks, tj, fitness, quitting smoking, music, trenton, friends, quotes, movies

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