
Dec 10, 2011 21:36

I have had a really rough past few weeks. I went through at least two weeks of solid depression and melancholy. I cried everyday, sometimes for hours at a time. I miss TJ so badly that I ached physically. I didn't want to get out of bed in the morning.

I had been under major stress at work, as well. I had to really push to get a file done and ended up working after hours. I'd say that my worse day this week was Wednesday.

I woke up early because TJ needed me to drive Trenton to school, but my car wouldn't start. I had to make alternate plans for Trenton, and Clinton's mom came and jumped us. I let the car run for about 40 minutes, including breakfast in the car, and me and Clinton went to Wal-Mart. When we came back out, it wouldn't start again. We called Jessie, and he tried to jump it for a good 20 minutes. His uncle looked at it and said it could be the starter.

My friend Dustin came and told me he could take me to my tattoo appointment at 3. Then, he got a text about family issues and was unable to. Then, a snow storm hit. I had to stand in the storm when my friend Larry took me to get my car towed. The tow-truck couldn't get my debit card to go through, and I had to go back to an ATM and hope Larry wasn't late getting his daughter off of the bus. Larry dropped me off at Sheetz, I paid the tow-truck driver, and ate a sandwich and drank a steamer in the snow. My boot was leaking at this point, too. I then realized I'd forgotten my apartment keys on my car keys at the shop.

I had to push back my appointment to 6 so my friend Katie could take me, but at the last minute, she told me she wasn't comfortable driving in the snow. She sent her fiance Bruce. We got to my appointment a half an hour late due to the storm. I did end up getting my tattoo, which was probably the best thing that had happened all day.

When I got home, I worked on my file until one in the morning, when Jessie took me to mail my work out.

All I can say is that my friends are fucking amazing, and I wouldn't have survived any of that without them.

But I am doing a bit better now, thankfully. I will be picking Clinton up in about 25 minutes, my Trenton and Jessie is here, and we'll be going grocery shopping. The only thing I'm dealing with is a hangover.

unfortunate happenings, separation, work, tj, life

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