
Jun 06, 2011 15:26

I don’t have Internet on my laptop at home; so, I’ve been basically operating from the wifi at work and the ‘net on my phone. This has been a major inconvenience, especially when my phone went haywire, and I wasn’t able to receive texts for a few days. So, I’ve not really been neglecting anyone; I just have less resources right now.

Clinton and I are doing really well. We’re coming up on three months soon. I enjoy spending time with him. He is really good to me, and I don’t think he realizes how much good he has done for me. I feel loved, respected and appreciated. I consider myself lucky to have someone like him in my life.

TJ and I are doing really well, too, but TJ is having a lot of inner turmoil these days. I’ve been trying to be supportive as I possibly can. We’ve talked about the possibly of him having Bipolar Personality Disorder. I think he is planning to see someone for an official diagnosis, but this is what it is looking like. He fits nearly all of the criteria, and his condition now has caused some splits from reality. We had been having problems, but those are on their way out. I feel like we’ve reconnected recently and that I don’t really need to worry about the future status of our relationship.

Clinton and TJ actually spent most of their day together yesterday, hanging out and working out at Ron’s. I’m glad to see them doing things together.

As for me, I’d say that I’m probably more connected to myself than I have been in a long time, and I am very thankful for the people I have in my life. The world has been rapidly changing, but it needed to for growth to occur. It’ll be interesting to see how things continue to develop.

clinton, relationships, progress, tj, life

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