(no subject)

Jun 16, 2009 00:48

Today, June 16, is TJ's 27th birthday. I'd like to do something nice for him, but I'm not really sure what that would entail. I do plan on taking him out to dinner and possibly, getting him something sweet to go with the cookie his mom is getting him. Tonight, he is with our friends in celebration. I would have liked to be there, but I do have to work tomorrow and can't really afford to lose the sleep.

Another crazy weekend -- much drinking and fun times with desdemona47, oneboyarmy and cadesolitude Friday and Chris for his 29th birthday Saturday. I felt pretty crappy in between drinking, but I attempted to not let that slow me down.

I feel like I have to document that I had another panic attack, whether I want to or not. It happened Saturday evening at dinner. I'm only really acknowledging this because I'd like to mark my progress somewhere, and this seems like a good place to do that. So, that's one for the month of May and one for the month of June. My anxiety is pretty bad this week in particular because I'm due to start my period.

I've gone to therapy for three sessions now, and I do feel as though I'm making progress. I find myself branching out and being more comfortable with my surroundings. The one thing I do feel like I need to make progress on is regaining touch with my emotions -- all of them -- not just the negative ones. It's no secret that this whole ordeal has left me frustrated and depressed. I have forgotten how to be happy. I've forgotten how to feel things in the ways I once did. Emotions feel like sensations, which feels like anxiety to me. I need to remedy this.

And now...to bed.

anxiety issues, panic attacks, tj, therapy, bettering myself, drinking, friends, happy times

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