We've just conducted our monthly deletion. As always, some pertinent points regarding it:
01. If you were deleted, it was because you did not review over the past two months. It's been a longer-than-usual round so unless you have a good reason for your absence, we're sorry, but our rule holds firm.
02. Should you have a good reason (e.g. family emergency) or you were deleted wrongly, please feel free to email us at plagiarismhaven@gmail.com stating your case. If you've reviewed and we overlooked you, provide evidence of your LJ comments/reviews or your LJ username and we'll check! No giving the Rapture happening as a reason. It didn't.
03. You don't have to email us anymore about being gone for an extended period of time. Use the
Hiatus Notification Form!
04. We have emailed some new members about being added to PH, so if you were one and didn't notice, that isn't our problem. New PH members should look at our
list of names to ascertain if they've been accepted.
05. Reading DOES NOT equal reviewing. You must also be logged into your LJ account to comment/review.
06. Taking polls, etc. do not go towards reviewing too. You have to write a comment on a story chapter or mod post to count, or make banners, fanart, etc. to have contributed!
07. New deletion date: August 3!