Mod Post: Deletion and Some Important Notes

Apr 07, 2011 12:51

After a spot of dallying, we've finally gotten around to our deletion. We delete you if you were inactive in the last participating round. It's been over two months this time, so if you're no longer with us, please have a very good reason for your absence. We won't entertain those like 'I forgot about PH' or 'the Mayans said we'll die next year so I didn't see the point of reviewing'. Same goes for every round. No exceptions!

Also, because LiveJournal has been malfunctioning of late, notifications may not have been sent out. We may not have gotten word of your reviewing us, as a result, or you may not have been notified when we updated. We will take all of this into account. Just have proof of your comment(s) and we'll reinstate you if you did participate.

If you feel you've been wrongfully deleted, you can email us at We will get back to you as soon as we can!

Some points we'll like to raise:

1. Voting in a poll DOES NOT count towards participation. You have to leave a comment on the corresponding post too. That means we need to see some semblance of thought from you, not just a click of a key.

2. A few people have asked how to find out the last time they commented. Here is how to:

a) Go to the LJ main page when logged in.
b) Navigate to 'Journal Comments' down on the page.
c) Click to 'more' in the upper right hand corner of that section.
d) Scroll all the way down to 'Latest Posted'. Your last comments will be shown here, along with the time stamp and where you posted them on. If you don't comment on anything else but PH, this should work.

3. If you were newly added (at least a month ago) and did not know you were a member, we won't add you back. Please check if you were. LJ will send you a notification via email. It's not our prerogative to be your informer. :)

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