I think it has been more than over a year that I have written something in here, not because I didn't had something interesting to write about, it has been mainly that I´m getting busier, between my family and work I truly don´t have time for anything else, and by the time I have some time for me most of the times I end up doing what I love the most: spend time with my wife or playing with my kids!
Lots has happened in all this time, first of all, we don´t have babies at home anymore ;_; , our babies have already turned into little kids, its kinda hard to watch them grow this fast, but I´m really glad and happy that i´m able to be with them every single day watching them doing it, they are so different but at the same time so similar, take my son for example, really smart kid, it really amazes me how bright he is, really respectful, cheerful but at the same time calm and in the other hand, my daughter... what can I say about her... she is on her own league honestly, my little princess reminds a lot to the Tasmanian devil, LOOOOOOOOOOTS of energy and nothing stops her until she gets what she wants... I truly like that about her.
In other news, the sense of joy that I used to felt every single time I traveled is kinda disappearing, well, not disappearing, I think I used the wrong expression, before, I couldn t wait to get into an airport and travel to wherever I wanted to go, the feeling of happiness and excitement is something it was always present, but now, I honestly try to keep my solo trips to a minimum, mainly for business purposes, what can I say, I truly miss my kids and my wife and all I want to do as soon as I leave my home is looking for a way to get back as soon as possible to them. I still enjoy to travel don´t get me wrong, but, I rather travel with my family than keep doing it by myself and feel that that I used to felt by myself now through my kids eyes... its an undescriptible feeling.
Anyway, my flight is delayed at the moment, they are running some routine maintenance on the plane at the moment, I just hope this doesn't makes me miss my connection flight.
I wish you all a wonderful weekend!!
Se you later!