Jun 30, 2007 21:07
Been a long time since an update! Im bored as fuck..so here I am. On my brother's mac..hard to get used to. You have no idea how many times I go to hit the "back" button and close out the program...grrr. Anywho...some things of interest to note...well, of interest to me anyway lol.
I got into a car accident about 5 weeks ago. Was on 67th ave and some guy at the intersection ahead of me runs the stop sign, and I slam on breaks..but alas, I ran into his passenger door. My airbags went off, and I was pretty banged up, but nothing serious. Fire rescue still had showed up to treat my airbag burns and my cuts..and then released me. Was pretty upsetting all in all. And since I have never been in an accident where the airbags have gone off, I had no idea that the cabin fills with the powder from the airbags..and simulates smoke. So I practically jumped out of my window on impact because I thought my car was on fire lolol...was pretty funny..but not really. =)
So I got my car back from the body shop..which was a POS body shop (should've taken it someplace reputable), and it was all fucked up. To make matters worse, the owner was a dick and acted as though he had much better things to do than to help me out. He lost my house key, for fuck sake. How do you lose keys..which are on the damn key chain? And then when i got home..I noticed all of these broken things inside the car (the steering column was lose so I had no lights, the gear shift was lose, there was an A/C rattle, my reset button was non-functional, and the spare tire was lopsided and was rattling). On top of that, there was overspray ALL over the car. For those that dont know what that is, it pretty much means that my car was parked next to a car that was getting painted..and it was windy. =\ You have no idea how pissed I was..how did they think that this was acceptable? And still give my car back to me? Ah well..not everyone can be smart. So I took it back on Wednesday and they still have it. I just want my car back..in working condition. Is that too much to ask for?
My brother wanted my car when he got his license, and I was gonna get a new one. I had already ordered a new car (Audi S4) and now my dad wants to sell my car because he thinks its too small to be save. So now my brother is looking for a car to buy.
And because a post can't be complete without something about WoW (LOL), I'll give you a little story. Back in March, I switched servers from Eonar to Arygos because my guild switched. I was a little ticked off, just because I like all of my toons to be on the same server, and now Doofer was on Arygos. but everything seemed to be okay. But then about a month ago, everything went to shit and the guild fell apart. Then we merged with another guild...which was a HORRIBLE idea. The people from the other guild (Named Illegal Danish... O.o....a bunch of of dumbass idiots). That guild in turn fell apart, and then I joined another guild..that doesnt have enough members to do squat. So..I'm switching Doofer back to Eonar..possibly join Catalyst...but that's still up in the air. I've been playing my female dwarf priest for the time being..which is soo much fun. It's so different to heal raids..as opposed to do dps. It's a nice change, but I miss my Doof lol.
And I have a new pet peeve: people who are rude/mean to everyone...for no reason whatsoever. And when people broach the subject of "Hey fucker..why don't you try being nice for a change?"...this guy has the audacity to say "Oh, that's just the way I am..get used to it." WTF? I just don't understand the logic in that. I mean..fine, if you're having a bad day...fine, or if you're not feeling well..I can understand, but just being mean..for the hell of it? TO EVERYONE? Go die in a corner somewhere, because there's no excuse for that shit. You have no idea how many people I run into who are like that. It's beyond logic to me. Anywho.
I'm bored..and I need something to do. HELP!