Sep 08, 2006 00:37
So I wanna see if I can bring this thing back to life.
Not much has been going on in my life, other than school, family, and WoW. ROFLMAO. I seriously play WoW way too much now. But I can't help it. Too much fun, imo. I lost someone I considered a friend to it. Realized what an elitist pig she was, and I'm glad that I (along with everyone else fortunate enough to escape a "friendship" with her) was fortunate to get away from her. I have learned a lot about her from talking to others who used to be her friend..and it just makes me realize that what I did was the right thing to do. It can't be a coincidence that all her old friends all feel the same way about her. So..farewell.
In actuality, hearing that she hated my guild..and yet at one point applied to it funny as hell as just makes her look foolish in my eyes. Jealousy/Grudging much?
School is going well. Actually only need to take 3 classes this semester to be full time..because I spend more time at school taking these classes than I need with 4 and 5 classes. I always have had Friday off..and this semester I have class everyday. Ewwwww. lol. But I don't foresee the classes being difficult by any means...except Statistics II >.<
I'm moving back home in December..because as much as I like being alone and having a place all to myself, my family is too close-knit and I like having family there. Plus, I'm a neat freak and not having a place to wash my car is getting to me. I know, I'm a weirdo! Ahhhhh lol.
I also added to my family. My "little ones," as I call them. Neiko and Bailey, my Bengal kitties. I love the to death..although sometimes they get into things they shouldn't be in (ie. on top of the refridgerator trying to get their cookies, or in the toilet)..but then they wouldn't be cats, would they? I'm glad I have them..and I hope when I move home that my family will love them as much as they learned to love BOO BOO! (Long story...he's my adorable.) The kittens are now almost 7 months them back in March.
Anywho, going back to watching Star Trek: Voyager. Hopefully I can be more consistent with LJ instead of posting every 9 months. :: cough :: Could've had a baby in that time period..but then that might be cause for