Sep 13, 2008 12:48
I've done quite a bit in the last month, but netscape is freezing a lot lately, so I haven't updated.
Monday, I lose the last of my people that I know is going (thank goodness, hopefully we'll actually get some training into the current ones before I lose anyone else). I've gone from having 9 people, 6 of whom could work independently and well, to much fewer than I want or need. My most senior person has apparently been working on his masters for the past 4 years, without bothering to tell us, and needed to go part time to finish it (so hopefully he'll be back in a year). He was going to go be a group leader elsewhere, to take over from the person who's filling in for my boss's mat. leave, but decided not to. So instead, my *second* most senior person is being lost entirely to go do that. My very best new person, who I could actually trust to do everything and have good judgment, decided he wanted to live in Florida. Both of the next two newest people have gone to part time while they go back to school (they won't be back when they're done). And one of the mid-range people now has a doctor's note saying they can't work midnights. So, I'm left with 5 full time people, and two of those have only been with us a month. My supervisor starts her mat. leave in two weeks, and sometime soon we have an audit that the QA/QC people have been driving me nuts about. Now was note the time for them to insist that we change one of the instrument methods in a way that takes us 3-4 times as long to run (given that the limiting factor on our work at the moment is..... instrument availability).
In non-work relating things, I've been driving a lot lately. I took the car in for it's yearly physical, and didn't get lost on the way. I managed to drive all the way to Lucy's house (the longest I've ever driving), with only one GPS directed detour. And my parents' are gadding about the continent again, so I have to drive back and forth to babysit their place for the next little while. I'm still not ever going to drive to Toronto, no matter how much more convenient it might be for Anime North.
*Someone* promised to send me pictures of the costumes that we made and successfully wore to the Geek Expo, but apparently forgot. I'm proud of both of our costumes though, and possibly we'll have costumes for more than one day for next year's Anime North. That one tends to make me feel far more under-dressed when wearing civilian clothes.
Amazon has ceased withholding my Eroica fix, and now I have book 13, but I was too slow to cancel something I'd already bought - lucy, want a copy of Steal Moon?