Jun 27, 2008 09:30
*Do you have any piercings? Yes
*How many? If ears are included, then 13 (I count industrial as one). Removed lip piercing.
*Where? Ears: ten + industrial, eyebrow, nose
*Are any of your piercings larger than standard (ie. bigger gauge or holes?) No
*Have you ever intentionally stretched your piercings? No
*What drove you to get those areas pierced? I got my ears pierced as a bday gift
*What is your opinion on the piercing guns used in some stores? I don't have any opinion. They do the job too.
*Have people ever treated you differently because of your piercings? No (?)
*Have you had any bad luck or disasters with your piercings, or had to repierce them? Nope
*If you could pierce any part of your body next, what would it be? I'm fine with these
*What kind of jewelery do you wear? Earrings, necklace
*Where (as in what shop) did you get your piercings done? Industrial and lip piercing I got in Harness.
* Do you have any tattoos? Absofuckinglutely
* How many? Just six
* Where and what do you have? Chest: ankh & Udjat, arm: Thunderbird and a feather "banner", back: a Golden Eagle and a dragon
* Do you plan on getting more tattoos, and if so, how many? Uncountable ;)
* Did you design your tattoos yourself, have someone design them for you, or did you pick them off the wall? Got the ideas from various sources and then modified them to my taste
* Do your tattoos have stories behind them or did you just get them for the sake of getting them? Stories such like "I just happen to like this symbol". To get more information, you have to squeeze it out REALLY hard.
* What's your favorite or most special tattoo? All of them.
* What's your least favorite or least special tattoo? -
* If you could change or cover up any of your tattoos, which would it be and why? I have already covered one tattoo. Otherwise I'd change or cover none.
* Are there any of your tattoos that you strongly regret getting? No
* Where (as in what shop) did you get your tattoos done? Blue Dragon, Legacy
* Would you ever get a matching tattoo with someone? Are you asking? ;)
* Would you ever tattoo someone's name on you? Hell no.
* Do you prefer color or black and white tattoos? No preferances.
* Are your best friends or significant other tattooed? Significant isn't.
* What's you're favorite tattoo that someone you know has? -
* What's one tattoo you have that you get asked questions about often? -
* Have you ever been judged because of your tattoos, or do people treat you differently? Nope
* Do you have any extreme or uncommon mods, such as a tongue split or a subincision? No
* Do you know anybody who does? No
* Have you ever had your piercings scapeled to make them bigger, or stretched your piercings to uncommon sizes? No
* Do you know anybody who has? No
* Do you have any branding, scarification, or skin removal? No
* Do you know anybody who does? Yes
* Do you have tapered ears, voluntary amputations, or other sizeable permanent body alterations? No
* Do you know anybody who does? No
* Have you ever suspended? No
* Do you know someone who has? No
* Would you ever do any of the above? No
* What would you do, and where on your body would you do it? -
MODS AND SOCIETY (please feel free to elaborate on your answers)
* How do you believe society perceives modified people? Well I think.
* Do you believe that times are changing as far as modified people in the workplace?
I'm still asked is it ok to remove my piercings (for safety and pr); I always answer that yes. Even if I still wear them, there hasn't been any issues...
* If you were a hiring manager, would you be influenced to hire or not hire someone based on their modifications? No. But that's just me.
* Have you ever judged someone based on their modifications? No
* Do you believe there is a line between modification and mutilation? Yes
* Do you believe that tattoos and piercings are the "safe" road of modification and that anything beyond that is to extreme or dangerous? I wouldn't count common tattooing/piercing as modification.