Feb 27, 2006 08:25
so those pop collared motherfuckers are what they seem to be, eh?
i was driving my sister to school. northwest vista, if you don't know already. and i was dropping her off in the parking lot. i pull over to the sidewalk, so you know. other cars can pass by. I am considerate of other drivers. then this asshole cocksucker speeds up and pulls infront of me. so i thougtht to myself..hmmm ok...w/e. but he doesn't pull on/by the sidewalk. he pulls in the middle of the fucking roadway. what an asshole. i tried to see if i can pull to the side and pass him up. but as soon as i'm about to, the passenger door opens. and it stays open for a minute. a foot comes out and stays for another minute. then a fat whore comes out. fucking 6 foot motherfucker. comes out with her cliche chuck taylors, and her cliche "SCENE" haircut. opens the BACK door to get her shit out. WTF IS THIS? there is like 4 or 5 cars behind me by this time. i'm far from pissed at this moment. then she walks off slowly. blows a kiss to her asshole and then he proceeds to drive off very slowly. as if he is watching her walk inside the building. then two cars honk. and he drives off like the flash. as he was driving off, i saw that he had a backwards hat on and a popped collar. DOESN'T SURPRISE ME. what a faggotassmotherfuckincocksucker.
i was driving home along westover hills. and I was the only car in the street, not a car in sight for 3/4k feet. then i see a car up ahead. about 1k feet. instead of waiting till i pass HER by, she waits till i'm bout 300 feet to pull RIGHT in front of me and slow my sorry ass down. SHE PULLS OUT INTO THE FAST LANE. WHORE. DIE. i guess she wasn't patient enough to wait 2 seconds till i pass by. she must be on a tight schedule. fuckin tight ass.
ok, i have a headache from all of this bullshit. i'm takin asprin and going to sleep.