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Feb 03, 2006 14:11

WOW it's been a while since i've updated this thing. more than a month now. hmmm. well life has been... interesting to say the least. haha. january pretty much FLEW by and its already freaking february. WTF?! so whats been going on with mi vida?


so i'm doing flashback which is seriously freaking AMAZING. it's basically this charity show that disney puts on every year where cast members from different departments come together and compete. we perform in the HYPERION theater in DCA (Yes, kids... the same theater the "aladdin: a musical spectacular" is performed in. my freaking DREAM to perform on that stage, haha.) and there are 2 shows. march 6 and march 7. call my cellie if you want to come see me!!! i'm one of the core dancers for the show along with my favorite person big bertha (aka tay tay to diego). but seriously i have met some freaking AMAZING people doing this show that i'm so thankful for. Lord knows that i would have NEVER met them if i didnt do flashback. (K-dizzle from guest relations, bobbika from fantasyland attraction, now character hostess!!!! all the crazy kids from DCA stores!!! esp our adopted child heidi haha. julie and christina the 2 best freaking choreographers ever!!! [congrats to the 2 of them for getting cast in fantasmic!!! christina is a monkey and julie is freaking SNOW WHITE!] and so many other people that makes coming to flashback so much fun.) i havent done a show in a while and i forgot how much i love it. i mean YEAH the rehearsal times are intruding (monday thru thursday, 8:30-11:30) and it doesnt help that i'm always going to denny's afterwords, haha. but i love every moment of it.

My Life:

i'm so glad that i have people in my life that are there to support me in everything i do/dont do. and the ones who remind me to STAY AWAY FROM TAP WATER because it's bad for me, haha. i love you guys (you know who you are) after much deliberation i decided to audition for fantasmic! yeahhh i didnt get it, haha. it's okay though because the audition was cool. aside from the part where i sat around for 3 hours doing NOTHING. so here's what happened. the audition started at 9:30 so i showed up at 9:15 thinking that i should get there early. ummm TOO BAD by the time i got to the check in desk, i was auditioner # 109. WTF?! haha. crazy. and it sucked that everyone and their mom at the audition was already in entertainment. whores. so we went in, learned a quick set of 4 counts of 8, went into another room, waited, and then got called in 5 at a time to perform for the judges. then we waited some more until EVERYONE was done then we were told we'd get a call sometime next week. but HERE'S the kicker... some person from entertainment saw me sitting on the floor hitting my fone against the wall (because it vibrate was't vibrating and i was trying to fix it, haha) and he's like "HEY... what's your name?" and i'm like "uhh.. eugene." and hes like "Eugene, please tell me you're staying for the face character auditions." and im like.... "... okay... i guess." hahahhaha. WOW. so yeah i stayed for the face auditions (CREEPIEST THING OF MY LIFE, BTW.) they make you stand there while some chicks with clipboards stare you in the face and tell you to smile different ways. after the preliminary evaluations i got called in so they can take a 2 look at me and this time it was like a PANEL of people behind a table with my headshot talking to each other and nodding/shaking their heads. ohhhh yeah. not awkward at ALL for me. in the end i got cut for that, too. (BITCHES!!!) its okay, though. they're having parade of dreams/block party bash auditions next month and me and the cool kids are GOING!


it's been a real drag. i find that i lack so much motivation now. i dont know if it's becasue i'm tired or because i dont care for architecture anymore. i'm so tired of all the crap i have to put up with in design class. its so retarded i just want to sock the professors in the face, haha. i dont know... we'll see what happens with that. i just need to get through to summer so i can have time to think again. and rest. and get a freaking BREAK.


i leave you all with wonderful pictures of my life this past month. :)

we dress up during flashback rehearsals, haha. this was like last week i think? it was 80s night. erika and desirae are like all "80S TO THE MAX" and i'm like.. not, haha. HEY at least i have the sweat band!

we're pretty gangster.

these are our "twins" at rehearsal... the other "blonde chick/asian guy" duo. a force to be reckoned with when we're all together, i must say, haha.

we went on the log ride one chilly night in january. needless to say, there was no wait in line.

hahaha i love this picture of kevin and me. ITS BECAUSE I HATE HIM!!!!! jk\

like i said, we dress up during rehearsals. this past wendesday, we all dressed up as the power rangers. we're pretty awesome.

so being the awesomely sexy dancers that we are, desirae and i were chosen to do the lyrical ballet piece in the show. (SISTER!!!!! YOU BROTHER IS A BALLERINO IN THIS ONE, HAHAH!!!) this is the move we made up called "death and rebirth" its pretty groundbreaking, haha.

good night, kids :)
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