Just Spewing--

Mar 24, 2003 06:59

I am very upset about the coverage of POW's tortured and killed by the Iraqi's. I am very glad that Fox News refused to show the videotape of such things. I have heard that many other stations chose to view it.

I have the television on, 24/7 now. The last thing I would have wanted was one of the children coming down here and seeing that.

I still think Hussein is dead, or close to death. I don't believe that he is alive. I guess time will tell, but I can't picture him staying so far out of touch during this. He seems to thrive on glory, even if there isn't any.

I think that Taylor had the beginnings of an ear infection, but she is showing no signs of it this morning. I ended up staying up all of Saturday night, into Sunday morning watching the news. I slept until 5 PM yesterday! With that much sleep, I decided to stay up until the kids go off to school and to get some cleaning done.

Why does the house look so clean at 3 AM, but it looks like I haven't touched it at 5 PM?

I have begun using picture cards for Taylor to communicate. I pulled out the 'breakfast' picture this morning and put it next to her bowl of bananas. She looked me dead in the eyes; said nothing at all but the expression on her face was self-explanatory.

"Oh, don't tell me that you are doing that too"!

She has so many 'screaming banshee' sessions and I have to guess on what is wrong most of the time. She can't sign like Colin can. Her muscles are just too stiff and the coordination of her muscle control is way off. She only says two vowel sounds that are recognizable: “EEEE” for eat and “AHHH-AHHH” for banana. I need an alternative to find a way for her to tell me what she wants, or what is wrong.

I will report this to the autism coordinator this week to see if it has helped at all. We are trying to keep what works at home being used at school, and visa versa.

Molly had a sleep over the other night for a birthday party. She came home and sacked right out on the couch. I am guessing that she had a good time since she couldn't stay awake when she got here.

She never said anything about the check that I made out for her friend so I guessed the girl got it. Tom was putting his clothes in the car (he only comes here on weekends), and found the check in the driveway. Molly never put it into the envelope and dropped it on the way over to the girls house.

You got to love the things that kids do!

I have a busy week ahead of me, starting with IEP meetings and ending with my counselor appointment.

The kindergarten lottery was pulled the other day and Taylor is in full-time classes. That takes care of one issue. Now, to get Colin in full time as well. He has not had full time classes since he has started special needs preschool, and he is academically equivalent to a 3 year old. He is 5.

The school system is telling me there is nothing they can do but, I have been through the IEP process and know my parental rights. I am pretty experienced at it, after 5 years with Sean and now, 2 years with the babes. I have letters from several doctors that state; he should be in full time schooling.

Let the fighting begin--it's a shame that, in order for our kids to get what they need we have to fight so damn hard.
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