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harleen March 24 2003, 15:55:25 UTC
I may not have all the same views as you...I am a liberal, I don't really care for the current administration...but I support what you have said.

I am against the current war, mainly because I feel the President acted too soon without UN backing, and I am unsure how constitutional this all is...but I support the women and men in the armed forces, and I support the freedoms that America stands for. I also feel everyone has a right to say what is on their minds without fear of retribution...which is the foundation of the First Amendment.

I saw that you added me, I will add you back. hope you don't mind some liberal rants here and there (which I usually put behinf LJ cuts!)...nothing anti-America, because even though I am not a fan of Bush, I am not anti-American. if that makes sense!


:) placid_chaos March 24 2003, 16:40:02 UTC
I really like Mr. Bush but, I voted for him so that is probably why. I probably wouldn't have believed in this war, had I not seen what terrorism can do to our own country. I think having neighbors that lived in Iraq as well, telling horrible stories of living under that regime also tainted my persuasion on this issue.

I respect those opposing the war, like yourself--doing it peaceful and respectful. It is the ones that go out and damage things, start fights with the police, etc. We had one of them call in a bomb threat in the MBTA train station the other day--(my husband works as a bus driver in Boston), which was just to keep the police busy while they marched. It just goes too far with some, you know?

I am very worried about the POW's of ours right now--The regime didn't follow the 1441 resolution for 12 years, so I can't imagine them upholding the Geneva Convention rules as well.



Re: :) harleen March 24 2003, 17:12:50 UTC
I don't know what it is about Bush...I just never liked him. Something about him irritates me, I am not a fan of his politics on a personal level (again, I am a liberal) and he seems to eager to "jump the gun" on things (although he did do a good job after 9-11, I must say ( ... )


Jeb Bush--UCK! placid_chaos March 24 2003, 17:19:07 UTC
That guy is the Billy Carter of the Bush family. I still can't figure out how he keeps getting re-elected! I have gone to Florida many times and am amazed at the economy with the working class. I also know others in the school systems down there and I agree with you--Jeb is not someone willing to work for education.

He reminds me of our former governor, Dukakis--That guy was just as bad! (or, in my opinion anyway).


Re: Jeb Bush--UCK! harleen March 24 2003, 17:24:02 UTC
Dukakis, I could deal with...but Jeb? I am with you! I think he was re-elected because a lot of the elderly population who do not have children in school (and have grandchildren in other states) do not care about things like the education system...it means more taxes. I support having to pay more taxes in order to improve education...sadly, some don't see it that way.

also, the FCAT test has got to go...he's done away with summer school, and if a child fails that test they must be left back, no matter how well they did in school that year...which hardly seems fair.


We have MCAS--TOTALLY AGAINST THEM! placid_chaos March 24 2003, 17:39:50 UTC
If we were back in 'our world', with small class sizes and less special services (like bi-lingual education, which drain funds in Mass., big time), it would be different. However, the kids here are in classroom sizes of 29-32, with one teacher. They keep cutting our staff. 4 out of 5 of my kids need to go slower--my daughter has my math and science genes (she doesn't get it). They keep passing the kids with D's, only making the next grade even harder because they didn't get the concept ( ... )


Re: We have MCAS--TOTALLY AGAINST THEM! harleen March 24 2003, 17:47:07 UTC
you said all of this better than I ever could!!! at least we don't have the week in February here, but we do have "teacher planning" days where the kids are out of school....yes, my hubby has an extra day to do report cards, but still!

it's the teachers and students who wind up paying for all this garbage in the long run...and sadly, there are many parents who blame the teachers for everything when it is clearly not the fault of the teacher (I see this all the time)....

*sigh*. this entire country needs some serious education reform! maybe someday....


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