I have many little quirks that could drive the average person insane. But, they are mine, damn it! All mine! I love my quirks and I wouldn't change a thing about them.
Here are just a few:
- Anything but place mats and a centerpiece on my kitchen table drives me crazy. I can't handle when someone comes in and drops their pocketbook on the table. I can't stand having papers or mail on the table. I can't stand having homework left on the table. I like my table to look like a table and not a desk or junk accumulator.
- The same goes for my breakfast-bar/counter. It can't have anything on it unless it belongs there. This drives me insane if I see things all over my counter. Everything has it's place and I like it that way!
- I have a shoe rack in my hallway closet. I hate them left on the floor in plain sight. The same goes with backpacks and coats. I hate when coats are thrown over a kitchen chair or the backpacks left in the middle of the floor. I have a hook for both items. Hang them up, damn it!
- I hate the toilet seat being left up. You use the energy to put it up. Use the same energy to put it down!
- I can't stand listen to people eat. This drives me crazy. I usually need some sort of background noise when people are eating. Ralph eats with his mouth open and slurps. Drives me crazy! Sean sucks up his food with this drain-being-clogged-with-rodents sound that only the human ears can truly understand.
- I hate when people ask me dumb questions or say dumb comments regarding my kids. Re: "When you found out one of your children was special needs, why did you have more?" Another is, "Molly was born normal. You should have stopped there". Yet another one is, "If I had kids like those, I would be nuts by now"! (As I look over at my counter of pills..thanks!)
- I hate when people tell me what I should be doing about my children, with my children or how to dress my children. My SIL is great on this one. If you want, move in and I will stay in some spa for a week. You can try it yourself if you like. When I come back from my daily massages and mud baths, you tell me how easy it was for that one week. I can guarantee you won't say another word about it, ever again!
- I hate when someone writes in a diary, "I have been reading but I haven't signed in a long time". You might as well be riding down my street, sitting in my driveway and watching me through binoculars while not ringing the doorbell and stopping in. (Sorry if you have left such a note, but I always said I was honest).
- I hate email, which still amazes me. Part of the Internet is all about email. But, I hate it. I hate long emails that require you to write back with lengthy answers. I would much rather have your phone number and call you. This is just a quirk from the web site. I get so many emails that I think it just burned me out from answering all of them.
- I hate people telling me who I should vote for, who I should donate to and who I should support. When someone comes to my door that is running for office and starts to shake my hand, I shut the door. This is the same with donation begging over the phone. I hate when they call you on the phone and ask for donations. Hell, I donate more than most rich people do. Do you really need to call and remind me every year that I donated last year and you are expecting it again this year? You get my damn check every year, so why do you have to call me and remind me of that?
- I hang right up on telemarketers, once they start their GOOD MORNING, MA'AM. I hate the word Ma'am. Call me Miss. I sound younger. If they take my Irish last name and make it sound Russian, I hang up immediately.
- I hate Jahova's Witnesses ringing my doorbell, handing me pamphlets on how I am going to die in some hell-fire if I don't join them. I don't go to your door and sell my beliefs. Don't come to mine and sell yours.
- I hate having my chin hairs counted and pointed out. I also hate having someone tell me I should be plucking them. They are MY CHIN HAIRS. I grew them and maybe I want to grow a beard! Maybe plucking anything reminds me of Chinese torture. Maybe you should let me pluck OTHER hairs on your body first, before commenting on my frigging CHIN!
- I hate when people say, "You've gained weight". Gee, that’s a revelation. No, really? Let me sit on you and then have you guess just HOW MUCH weight I have gained.
- I hate touching and kissing. This probably brings up the reason of why I have had few boyfriends in my life.
Okay...that’s just a SMALL list of my quirks. Now, are you surprised that I like to live alone and never had roommates when I lived in my apartments?