FIC: Someone Else's Story 11/11

May 25, 2011 19:17

Title: Someone Else’s Story
Part: 11/11 - Year Eleven
Author: Miss ‘Drea
Rating: NC-17
Parings/Characters: Sam/Dean
Word Count: ~3000
Summary: AU - John gives the boys up for adoption, and at an early age Dean and Sam are separated then later adopted into two different families, in two different states. By a chance of Fate (whose name is Castiel) the two brothers find each other - Sam’s in 10th grade, the youngest in his class having skipped several grades, and Dean, also in 10th grade is his ‘penpal’. Dean thinks the whole thing is dumb, Sam’s just glad to have a friend.


Year Eleven
2008 - 2010

Hey, this is Dean. Leave me a message.

“Dean, it’s Sam. Look, I know you need space, and things are...really fucking weird. But, Dean, I’m in the hospital. I’m hunting a Vyrkolas, and it nearly sliced me from nose to naval. I need help man. I can’t do this one by myself.” Pause. “And, I miss you. Call me, okay?”


Phone rings.

Surprise. “Dean?”

“Shit, Sammy, are you okay?”

“You were totally screening your calls, you dick!” Scowl. “I’m fine. Stitched up and sore as hell but I’m fine.”

“And the Vyrkolas?”

“Still fucking at large. Dude, it’s killing children. I need help.”

“I’ve got this. Where are you?”


Pause. “Wait, seriously?”

Low laugh. “Um, yes. Miami.”

“I’ll be there soon.”



“So, who’s Eric?”

Confused face. “Um. Who?”

“In your journal. You had a note from an Eric, telling you to call. Boyfriend?”


“I mean, if he’s your boy-what, case?”

Laughs. “Yeah Dean. His son was taken by the Vyrkolas last. He sent me that message at the motel I was staying at. The girl behind the desk gave it to me. Once I got there, more children had disappeared. Did you kill the thing?”

“It’s dead as a doornail, Sammy. Salted and burned the bones for good measure. You took good notes, babe.”

Shock. Faint surprise. “Babe?”

Soft smile. “Here, Sam. Read your journal. I’ll be back with some coffee.”



DVD Extras Coming Soon!
(In which I show you that most of the places I mentioned are actually Real)

i am the fandom whore, year eleven, lol lol lol, someone else's story

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