Sometimes it's a sad song...

Mar 28, 2005 12:05

Apparently it is possible for me to survive without the internet.

Although I was beginning to become weak and could have passed soon...I haven't died...I never thought it would happen that way.

This post is probably going to be extremely long...but I haven't been here in 2308083 days so forgive me ;-P

SO here it is if you feel like reading about my Spring break- of course if you've read my xanga you have no need to read further.


SO I had my Spring "Break"

Thursday I had to have the break pads on my car changed because I had been hearing "this really strange noise coming from the back"
-needless to say my dad changed the front shoes and then after taking her for a test drive... came to the conclusion that it was the back shoes and roters(SP?! who cares anyway) that needed to be changed. (Apparently since I'm a girl my word counted for nothing.)

After a painfully long wait, my mom came home and let me borrow her car to go spend time with my grandma, she made some vegetarian stew called "Three Sister Stew" which, by the way does not contain three sisters but a bunch of squash and zuchinni...I know I know..I was dissapointed too.

-After a long day of visiting most of my grandparents I come home, only wanting to do my, xanga, email, livejournal, xanga....only to discover that one of my little sisters had damaged the internet connection! oh how crazy I felt.

Friday: I woke up to...what else but my mother cleaning the house. But of course, I had to offer some help or she might just go crazy.
She had the day off and had told me that we would spend it watching "silly daytime movies and lounging." I guess I knew deep down it wasn't true because my mother doesn't "lounge" she scrubs things. Even when she took the week of my graduation off to "spend time with me" she found other things to do instead and I don't think we even got to spend one day really spending time with each other...and she says that she feels second best to other people in my life.

So after she invited her friend and millions (three) other kids over to color easter eggs with two of my little sisters I left to go have dinner with yet another pair of my grandparents who took me to Olive Garden and thoroughly spoiled me and one of my cousins with Shirley Temples and desserts. I ended up staying over talking so long that I just stayed the night..which I think upset my mom a little because I wasn't sleeping in her house.

Saturday was our family Easter Celebration which meant 1) a new tradition- lasagne and garlic bread for Easter dinner, and 2) (no lie) 99 plastic candy filled eggs for my two little sisters and four little cousins to hunt.

Saturday also meant amazing fun for me...I left the celebration around 2:30 to meet with Shana who had bought us tickets to the Maroon 5 concert...and because she's in the fan club ("soley for the purpose of getting good seats" [or so she says ]) we were guaranteed seats in the first five rows, but they're picked at random and you don't find out where they are until the night of the show. So we get there and pick up the tickets- amazing...row A... seats 38 and 39-okay so they're in the front row but they must be somewhere way off to the side. The guard on the floor who was checking to make sure you were even allowed down there looks at our tickets "wow, you have the best seats in the house." We didn't think anything of it because we just assumed he said that to everyone who had row A tickets. As we're walking down looking at the numbers some other couple says "wow you have the best seats" and they were not lying- our seats were dead center, front row. Adam Levine stood right over me, and for five seconds out of the show either stared into my eyes or looked down my shirt hahahaha.

After that amazing show we went to Downtown Disney and walked around until our movie. We saw Hostage which was excellent and I'd recommend it to anyone. We had so much fun and I love spending time with Shana, but we are so weird and goofy and crazy when we get together that we drain each other of every ounce of energy and by the next morning we are ready for our parting ;-P

SO now onto today... attended Easter service with the family... and apparently I missed the memo because I got yelled at when I came in this morning, "GOOD THING YOU'RE already ready...don't you know that if you want good seats on Easter you have to get to church EARLY"

After that we seemed to have a pretty good day...we went to the lake to see tons of family friends that I haven't seen since I was in middle school and of course they all made weird faces and put on whiney, happy voices and exclaimed " COLLEGE- oh my gosh I can remember when she was this big" and proceeded to hold their hand a foot above the ground.

...around 3:30ish I was finally getting ready to leave when what should I find but my front tire has gone completely flat... so while I'm having a breakdown (no pun intended) trying to figure out what I'm going to do, I call my mom to at least let her know what's going on and I ask her to "Please not be angry with me about it" and of course she flips out on me and I am "treating her like dirt" blah blah blah

So of course my grandparents bailed me out again and got me a new tire and got me ready to get on the road....

...I am so happy I'm staying at my grandma's house this summer...
... I don't know if I could handle living with my mom again.

I love her much more than apparently I let her know...
but she apparently doesn't beleive it.

Oh well I will just have to try harder.

<3 Jessica, the people pleaser.
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