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Dec 03, 2011 00:10

[ Character's Name ] : Ky Kiske
[ Character's Age ] : 23
[ Series ] : Guilty Gear
[ Canon Point ] : post-Guilty Gear XX

[ History ] :
In 2010, magic was discovered. Along with this discovery came the melding of magic and technology. As with many new inventions, thoughts turned very quickly to military applications. Genetic engineering and magical technology were blended in 2074 to create a type of bio-weapon, creatures called Gears. Meanwhile, a man known only as That Man had already created a command-type Gear, Justice. Her superior intelligence and programming enabled her to take control of all the other Gears. She was also the only one who had free will. She was given the option of following orders and killing humans in the service of A Country or being dismantled. With those as her options, she chose to declare war on all of humanity, starting the Crusades. Out of this war arose the human organization of The Sacred Order of Holy Knights to fight the Gears. By 2140 The Sacred Order was headed by Commander Kliff Undersn.

Ky Kiske was born in France in the middle of the Crusades in 2158. His parents were killed in a Gear attack when Ky was eight. Ky survived on his own for two years before he made his way to the Sacred Order and asked Commander Undersn for permission to enlist. Kliff Undersn told Ky to train for five years and see about enlisting then, which was precisely what Ky did.

When he joined the Sacred Order, therefore, Ky was fifteen. His training continued within the organization, as Kliff Undersn took a particular interest in his potential. In addition to proving himself an adept fighter and capable of yielding lightning magic, Ky showed himself to be a natural leader and devoted to his work. Kliff Undersn retired in 2174, naming sixteen-year-old Ky as his successor as Commander of the Sacred Order and gifting him with the magical artifact -- his sword, Thunderseal.

In the Battle of Rome, in 2175, Kliff Undersn battled Justice, but he was weaker than he had been when he fought her in the past. Instead of being able to fight to mutual defeat, Justice beat Kliff. Ky stepped in to take over the battle, preventing Justice from killing Kliff. Ky was not able to defeat her either, but a former member of the Sacred Order of Holy Knights and current bounty hunter, Sol Badguy, was able to step in to weaken Justice. With that done, Ky and some of the Holy Knights were able to trap Justice in an inter-dimensional seal. Without her control, the other Gears went dormant and ceased to be an active threat to humanity. The war, which had lasted a little over a hundred years and taken many human lives (including the entire nation of Japan) was finally over.

After the conclusion of the war, Ky disbanded The Sacred Order of Holy Knights and he joined the International Police Force, working for the United Nations. His service record and focus led him to quickly rise the ranks to Captain. As a result of rumors of the possible freeing of Justice in 2180, a number of people entered The Second Sacred Order Tournament, ostensibly hosted by the UN to defeat the threat of Justice. Once the tournament was underway, it was revealed that it had been orchestrated by one still-functioning Gear, Testament, as a way to bring Justice back and have her destroy mankind. At the end of the tournament, however, Sol Badguy was able to defeat Testament and then kill Justice. The other Gears (excluding Testament) once again lost their ability to act.

Kliff Undersn died, and Testament, who had been his adoptive son prior to being turned into a Gear in 2140, and was now finally free of Justice's influence, swore on his father's grave that he would fight for those who needed protecting in Kliff's vision. He then met a three-year-old (although she has the physical and mental maturity of a twenty-year-old) half-Gear who has similar Command abilities to Justice: Dizzy. Dizzy was Justice's daughter, although she lacked her mother's hatred of humanity.

Still, the idea of a new Gear capable of controlling the army of dormant Gears scared people, and a new tournament in 2181 was hosted with a reward for whoever killed Dizzy. Both Sol and Ky fought and defeated Dizzy, but both spared her life when they found her not to be a threat to humanity. Dizzy was then placed with Johnny and the Jellyfish Pirates, a group who acted out of the law but from a strong sense of morality. She was reported to the organizers of the tournament as dead, and another bounty hunter took the reward.

[ Personality ] :
Ky's religious (Catholic), idealistic, and headstrong. His religiousness is in large part a result of the fact that his childhood revolved around the Sacred Order of Holy Knights, which was filled with religious rhetoric and symbolism which he took to heart. His religiousness was a major contributing factor to his original perception of morality as black and white, although he has recently learned to recognize that there are shades of gray.

Ky's idealism, on the other hand, is still firmly intact, despite having been challenged numerous times by situations he has been. Although he now recognizes that the path to achieve justice is not always clear, he still believes that there is a correct path that can be found. From the age of fifteen, he's devoted his life to the pursuit of justice, first within the Sacred Order of Holy Knights (which led to Kliff Undersn appointing him as their new commander) and then inside the International Police Force. He has never held his tongue from speaking up about what is right even to those who have power over him. He also takes the leadership roles he's been given very seriously, considering himself nearly always 'on duty'.

Ky's third main characteristic is his stubbornness. This has both helped him and hindered him throughout his life. Ky doesn't give up even when the task in front of him is very difficult, and this is shown by his mastery of lightning magic. Lightning is generally considered the most difficult to wield, and Ky has been able to concentrate on his skills to the level where he can control his sword, Thunderseal. Ky's stubbornness has also, however, brought him into personal conflicts when he refuses to let go of a perceived wrong. The most notable example of this is Ky's rivalry with Sol Badguy, a former Holy Knight who left the Order and took one of the Order's anti-Gear weapons with him when he did so. This, in addition to the fact that Ky perceives Sol as going easy on him when they fight or simply letting Ky win without putting any real effort into the fight, has given Ky a lot of stress and given Sol the position in Ky's mind as Ky's single greatest annoyance.

A notable influence on Ky's interactions with women is his sense of chivalry. Although Ky doesn't fight without reason, he holds back when fighting women because he doesn't wish to hurt them. He goes out of his way to do things such as escorting May back to the gate, where she will be safe. Another aspect which informs Ky's communications with women is his lack of sexual experience. When fighting Jam he blushes and protests that she "kicks high". His sexual inexperience in general comes from his single-minded dedication to his work and his experiences with the church, which argues for saving it for marriage. There is one woman whom Ky treats separately from his rules: I-no. As he says when he fights her, "I see nothing but evil in your eyes. You may be a woman, but I'll never let my guard down." In his eyes, she doesn't deserve his protection or kindness, although when they first met he had given her the benefit of the doubt.

In general, the first impression people have of Ky is formed by his strong natural charisma. He likes making people happy, and it shows in his interactions with them. As a soldier he quickly became the face of The Sacred Order, in part because he was young and in part because he can speak with other people easily and he's very honest.

As can be seen from the above, Ky is a very serious, dedicated individual. He believes in a mission, the pursuit of justice, which is far greater than his own life, and has had no hesitation in devoting his life to that mission.

[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :
Ky's main strengths are his single-mindedness and adaptability. They've led him to become capable of pursuing a task, even when he didn't initially have the skills to do so. It was this combination of character traits which enabled him to become head of the Sacred Order of Holy Knights, and bring to end a hundred-year war under his leadership. Another strength which lends credence to his leadership is his moral center, which makes people willing to follow him. Closely tied into his moral center is his idealism, which has inspired his followers to keep trying at the point where they might have given up. He has been, in his world, the hope of mankind more for his optimistic vision than for his fighting skills. His fighting skills themselves are substantial. He wields lightning magic in combination with a sword, Thunderseal, through which he can channel his magic, or use as a simple sword.

Ky's primary weakness is his temper. It isn't difficult to provoke, and once it has been it controls him, rather than him controlling it. The downside of his single-mindedness is that he doesn't recognize that there are challenges he simply can't meet. He will pour more and more energy into the pursuit of the challenge instead. Another potential weakness is that he doesn't make time for a personal life. While at his present point in canon he does fine without one, that's mostly because he's never slowed down enough to consider it. He simply hasn't ever learned to balance competing obligations.

[ Other Important Facts ] :

[ Sample ] :
Ky hit the ground deliberately, planning on taking advantage of the surprise of the move to make a grab for Thunderseal, his sword lying only a couple of feet away from him. Instead Sol kicked his sword lazily away, and then kicked Ky in the stomach. Ky rolled to his feet again, glaring and preparing a lightning blast, to be greeted by the flat end of Sol's sword against his chest. Ky ignored it, building up the charge in his body until his fingers and hair crackled with electricity.

He sent the charge at Sol in a big ball of electricity. He knew that wouldn't be anything near enough to take out the other man, but he took advantage of the time he would take to recover to grab his sword. He was already back in Sol's face and raising Thunderseal to attack when he saw that the other man was just staying there with a dumb look on his face, his hands raised in surrender.

"I know you're not done," Ky growled, hitting Thunderseal against Sol several times in succession. "Come on. Fight me like you mean it."

Sol turned away as Ky continued to hit him, and Ky saw red, even as he let the blade of Thunderseal drop. He wouldn't hit an opponent in a friendly battle from behind after they'd conceded defeat, even if the opponent was Sol.

"I'm not a boy," he shouted, as Sol walked away. "Someday I'll make you fight me like you mean it," Ky vowed. He almost ran after Sol to make that time be now when he heard a chuckle.

[ Questions? Comments? Concerns? ] :
I can write a sample if you would prefer that doesn't take place in the canon universe, I just wanted to show Ky angry and he has to have known someone for a while for them to be able to get under his skin.