I'm such a lurker, I should be ashamed of myself >< Posting here only in rare occassions u.u Anyway, tomorrow's my b'day but that's not important really :) What is REALLY important is the change that has happened in my life :3 I've been chatting with a fellow BT fan for like a year, he's from Argentina too, and after flirting for some time I decided to travel to the city where he lives and we had the most wonderful holiday of my entire life :D I'm happy to say that he's my boyfriend now and that we're super happy and we love each other A LOT >///////////< I've never ever EVER been this happy with anyone before, he's changed my life completely u///////////u He makes me feel loved, and he tells me the sweetest things on Earth ^///////////^ I know I sound silly but that's 'cos I'm happy u///////////u ♥ He asked me to be his girlfriend on Valentine's day and he gave me two lovely presents:
Yeah, picture quality sucks, I know >< My cellphone's camera sucks, that's why xD Anyway, as you can see it's two B-T cds: Catalogue and the Zangai single :3 I almost fainted when he gave them to me *.* And I fainted again when I saw his collection, which I had already seen on pictures but having the opportunity to see all those albums, dvd, vhs, magazines, tourbooks and other B-T pr0n almost took my breath away x.x So on Valentine's day we watched At The Night Side and we watched the Memento Mori dvd :) We were going to watch one of Lucy's dvds but we got too tired and decided to sleep instead >< We did lots of things while we were together and we went to several places :D He's coming to visit me in April, but I miss him already T^T Then I shall go to Buenos Aires to visit him again, and we'll continue visiting each other until I finish my career and move to Buenos Aires next year ^^ Patience... now I'm learning the meaning of that word o.o
Take care people! :D