Jun 09, 2004 15:59
ok so i come to school(where i am right now) and walk into math...she hands me a final..?.....wtf...is she crazy...i havnt been taken your test for the whole yer....y would i take this one?....yea your an idiot ill be in the library...justin u wanna come...painter comes wih and now we sit in the library just chillin on he computers...lets see what can i talkk about ...o when i was waiting for my library pass from the teacher adam was trying to hit on amber..it was sooo funny he was like...he amber i wanna lick your pussy...and the teacher could hear him i know it...just hows how teachers these days are little bitches....thats a god subject to cover...how teachers have changed over my years of school...i remember when they started getting mean....it was around....5th grade i believe...MS. Anderson.....she was about 300 pounds of pure bitch....she once called me in b/c me and this kid jimmy had code names for dirty words and she found out...b/c we would like sing every frieday about logs...hehehe....baggys...yeah baggys.....that was sacs...loland other crap lke that.....and we got in trouble and....i remember her asking me what a scrotum is....i said i didnt know ....she bought it....what a idiot right......wrong...she called my mom and me and jimmy couldnt go on the next field trip...sad stuff...ne way the next teacher i had was....MR.Summers.....now this guy as u may now was ...well known as a fag...really we all thought he was gay and personally i stil think hes gay...i remember he hid my homewrk that i DID and said..."i never got that conrad....F muahahahaha"...so one day i had a friend distract him while i look around a bt...what do i find....a little show box...its contence were the following...one tube of turtle wax...yes turtle wax...he had it to wax his head...it was crazy. i also found a 5 of my "missing papers" i didnt take them but left them there.....and the little nark i am...i told my mommy and she came in and cussed him out in front of the whole class it was great ...ill do more later im ganna go walk around wit justin....peace