Jan 28, 2005 23:37
Ok so I went to see a movie tonight. The palace was pretty packed and I was havin a hard time finding a spot. Well I'm about to turn out of one row and go down another one when I look to my left and there is a green civic heading about 20mph straight at me. So I hit my breaks thinkin o shit that was close. Apparently the bitch in the other car thought that I did in fact hit her and her big black friend. She slammed on her brakes, hit reverse and startin flippin me off and yellin and doing other crazy things. All I could do was put my hands in the air and act like I was sorry. After the movie was over I was ready for something to change about my truck, wether the tires were gonna be slashed or just a keying. I got one of my predictions, A BIG FREAKIN KEY MARK ON THE DRIVER'S DOOR! THAT MOTHER F***IN @#$$%). Talk about over reacting, I didn't even hit her or start yellin back at her. I guess some people just have no patience or deceny in their bodies....