Sep 25, 2004 23:51
Friday night i saw the forgotten at 12:45! Anyone who knows me knows that this is a revolution, lmao. Anyway i went with amber, ezra, and alissa. It was alot of fun watchin everyone in the theater jump at the same time and hearing the whispers, (did you see that? holy crap that was tight!)We laughed we, crapped our pants. I got home around 3 and talked a lil bit to precious. Fell asleep around 3:50 then woke up at 9. I stayed up the whole time waiting for my sister to call so we could help her move back in......... ANYWAY that phonecall never came so i went joggin and got whistled at by some gal, which was pretty cool hehe. Finished up the day workin at the sto. Thought we were 200 bucks short then found 2 100 dollar bills. After i changed my underwear from being scared shitless we closed and that was my day.