Wow, I'm a loser. This is the third bloody entry I've made today. It's so weird, I'll go 5 months without updating AT ALL, and then I'll have one day on the comp and make like, 5 entries.
Anyway, I had so much fun tonight. I swear, I haven't laughed so hard in a while. Ok, so first all my plans to go to the mall were crashed and burned because I have friends with psychotic parents..which is cool, cuz mine are psycho too. Yea, so I just chilled at home and then I went to Youth around 6. We picked up Rona on the way. So Jess and Rona were making fun of me the whole damn time!!! First, we were listening to random shitty love songs and acting like dorks all singing them and stuff. And like, every other word was _________ (insert name there) Kellee, you know who I'm talking about. They were teasing me CONSTANTLY about the guy I like. I was like, Jaysus Chroist people! Let it be!!
So, we get to Youth, and it's the same old same old schtuff. And it was funny cuz, immediately when we got there, Rona, Jess and I were frantically signing all our friend's Christmas cards because we're horrible forgetful people and we completely forgot to sign the damn things. (Wow, that was a total run on sentence..but what the hell, I'm on break people!)
Later on, we rehearsed for the stupid Christmas play that I wasn't even gonna be in. Which really sucked, cuz I can't even make it to the damn play and the pastor made me rehearse with them cuz he's desperate. But whateva. Rona and I were goofing off backstage and we got yelled at a lot. Whenever we were onstage singing some Christmas song, we'd do all these provacative dance moves and vulgar movements. Go us, right? Being in church and all? So yea, we kinda caused a ruccus there.
Then Rona's stupid bro, Leo was being a jerk and he wouldn't pick us up. So we had to call Rona's mom, but she said there wasn't enough room in the car for all of us, so Jess and I got a ride with Ryan and Joyce. I used to have a HUGE crush on Ryan, and now I don't even know why...cuz he is the biggest dork in the world. I swear it was soooooooo much fun hanging out with him. He kept on saying stupid stuff to Jess like, "You listen to Evanescence? Don't listen to them! They're dead people!" I was dying laughing. So yay for Ry-Ry.
Boo to Jessica Simpson! I'm watching some Driven thing on her, and she's a big ho. Sorry, I'm not too fond of the "holier than thou, so I'm gonna make a video about me having sex with my husband". That's just not my thing, man.
I'm so tired! I'm going to bed now. Night kids.