mmmm social gathering at some randomers house..

Jul 01, 2005 11:21

I've known him like 3 weeks, spoken to him properly once, and he invited me to his house with people from college.
I knew (or knew of) most of the people there, but I met Dale and Martin for the first time, Martin didn't talk to me much though. It was a cool night, sat drinking Stella, getting high off a harsh as fuck blunt, heh, Mike only had one blowback and he was fucked. Oh it was funny.
We were sat watching the college gig, that was fun. We played poker (well, me and Allan did..) I won a coiple of times, but most of the time I lost miserably.
It was really strange, there was 8 of us in all, I was the only girl there, I was the youngest, I don't go to college yet, I don't play an instrument (well, not as good as they can anyway). I felt really vunerable to begin with but I started to relax a bit more (maybe that was due to the alcohol and drug intake though..)
Dale was scaring me a lot. He's one of the randomest people I know, and just yeah, scaring me. I hardly talked to Mike (the dudes house it was) all night..meh, I'll make it up to him or something.
The one this I realised when I was there, was how stupid Dave is, and how much he feels like he needs to be accepted, and how he needs to be 'cool' all the time. Allan and Will were planning on taking pills next Thrusday, Allan asked Dave (didn't pressurise him at all) and he was all 'yeah, totally, I'm definitely in for that, yeah, sure' No one else noticed it, but he paused before saying that. I didn't like it. Meh. And then he was trying to persuade Mike (bassist) to as well, so he wasn't the only first timer, he didn't say that, but I know that's the reason.
Allan was making me laugh sooo much. He was sat talking to Dave about Kaz, and was like 'I'm sure I saw your girlfriend the other day like....' and then began to describe her and stuff, and then all of a sudden he comes out with 'yeah, she's minging' and then he walked off. It had me laughing for ages.

Everyone seemed to like me. Which is all well and good, but I think they liked me too much.
Both Mikes were trying to get me (bassist Mike was very fucked off his face though, so that will have been the reason), Dale was telling me to turn so my back was to him (basically so he could check me out from the behind area), I wasn't talking to Dave that much (he has a girlfriend anyway..), I didn't talk to Martin either, Will was being very nice (but that might just be his personality..not sure) and Allan was just being himself. heh, we were playing with each others hair for about 2 hours, it was very strange. I also woke up and realised I was holding his hand, that was weird.

All in all, it was a pretty chilled out night, I'm glad I went, I realised some stuff, so yay for me :)
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