What better to do with a 17-page formal report than not write it?
Has to be handed to teach in...5 hours 10 minutes.
Must be completed in...3 hours 40 minutes.
Total pages written...1.5.
Possibility of finishing...well, these estimates are rough anyway.
Mariokart for DS came out yesterday. I must have it, yet I cannot bring myself to purchase it because I know I don't have the time.
--Then again, I could always whip it out at work when I'm "warming up" new cars for 20 minutes each. I mean, it's cold and they take time.
I'm feeling a little better with each passing day. I think I'm doing pretty well, considering.
...14 days.
Back to this joke of a paper.
After I make another quiz: (this one will be easier)
I made a Quiz for you!
Take my Quiz! and then
Check out the Scoreboard!