Finally, something worth updating

Oct 16, 2005 15:50

Well, I'm unofficially a failure. All my education is useless, apparently, because I can't get one stupid car to start. I suck.

But I'm not going to dwell on it. I'm not going to go on about how 1992 Pontiac Grand Ams are pieces of junk because they don't have spark plug wires. Or distributors. Or that you can't get to the starter, crank sensor, or anything else because the engine is so arbitrarily arranged that nothing is remotely accessible. So I won't.

Anyway, it's been a good week. I haven't gotten anything done, like getting a job or writing a thank-you note to my granny for the $25 check she sent me for my birthday over a month ago. But...I am pretty happy right now, in a better mood than I've been for a long time. Maybe even since I got that par on the Palmer golf course on my birthday.

I had one of the rarer occurences of my life on Friday; a date. I know everyone already knows, but I wanted to say that I had a lovely time and a delicious orange and womanly drink. And I wasn't embarrassed because it was a great evening. A lot of firsts. I guess you know something special's going on when Jeffrey updates in the middle of the afternoon. It's a pretty uncommon happening. And for the record, I made a GREAT toast.

For anyone who is thinking about watching "The Terminal", let me give you some advice. Cover yourself in mantis semen and jump into a pit of angry spitting cobras. That way you'll have a much more productive and entertaining evening. That is all.

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