Another day, another inch of powder gone from that pancake bag

Dec 17, 2004 04:16

Well, I finished the ol' school off. Hell of a time this week, but everyone else did it too, so I'll shut up. A couple of interesting things have happened lately.

Today I got the service manual for my summer car. Tells me every little thing about how to repair it. As if I didn't know that already. I was very excited...but the question is, can you top this pinnacle of patheticness?: I literally SAT DOWN and READ through the whole book. 254 pages of the same car. It's pure insanity, I tell you. Maybe you'll be less alienated if I mention that it was accented with a splash of pictures here and there.

Also today. A very very interesting Conan O'Brien situation. The new episode airing for the first time tonight was what I believe to be the worst Conan I have ever seen in my abysmally short lifetime. Tea Leoni (sp?), some idiot radio announcer that no one's ever heard of, and some jerk store 8-year old "presidential expert"--yeah, that kid was such a piece of shit. He had a bow tie on and said his favorite president was George Washington. Real original, asshole. I hate that kid. But, but--the guests really don't matter on Conan, right, because he ALWAYS makes up for it with quality sketches! Or used to. Tonight was an ok skit on that stupid hawk that everyone wants to kill in NYC, followed by Kids Drawings, a segment which I've never really cared for, and was subpar even by Kids Drawings standards. To top it all off, NO SECOND SKIT. AT ALL. He wasted so much time talking to that little bastard and that stupidass radio face that there was no time for it. 2nd part of the story: To turn it all around, I happened to catch the beginning of the next Conan (which is always different), starting at 3:00. And I saw...
...for the 2nd time in my life, and hopefully not the last...
Probably the BEST Conan skit I have ever seen in my pathetic struggle through existence. I had been talking about this skit with friends for a week because it was so incredible. Conan observed this group that plays baseball exactly as they did in 1864, down to the speech patterns and clothing. And let me tell you, when he put on that handlebar moustache, conductor-style cap, and 1864 pants/'s electrifying. So ridiculous, so entertaining. If anyone else ever has seen this, tell me. I wish to bask in the sharing of humor.

OK people, back to cars. Honda is still running, surprisingly. The subaru is now up and running again and is back in the valley. The race car was transported back a couple weeks ago. Now the only dead car left in Anchorage that needs to go back to the valley is the cadillac, which has been sitting dead at Sabrena's for over a month. I'm gonna make an attempt tomorrow at getting it there...and I'm kinda confident that I can do it. And then, finally, all 19 of my cars will be restored to their rightful place in a typical valley junkyard (also known as any given person's driveway).

Holiday junk-Little progress has been made. I am likely taking a trip to the valley tomorrow or friday to retrieve wrapping paper...but a rough estimation of number of presents I have to still get is at...8. And I only know what one of those is going to be. Good thing I don't have any friends, or that number could be as high as, well...9. By the way, I want easter bunnies. Lots of them.

I got offered a job for this summer. Wasilla Auto Mall. Depending on my living situation it could be possible. Let's hope it's not the bedlum that was Alaska Water Conditioning. A sorry and thank you to all of you for that one. Man, I'm an idiot.

Speaking of living situations, my roommate is convinced I'm angry with her now. Which I really wasn't until she trespassed into my room and sprayed me with rat water. Yeah, you read it right and I refuse to say it again.

Last item of note: I made spectacular crab paste. I am bringing it with me on the aforementioned valley trip, and if you get ahold of me...well, I can't make any promises, but maybe this will entice you: 16 oz of cheese. Say no more.

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