Dec 21, 2005 12:35
Bill O’Reilly-
While 'secular progressives' are primarily responsible for the end of Christmas as we know it, Jews who complain of Christmastime conversion attempts are also to blame and really 'gotta go to Israel then'.
(direct quote):
"I’m gonna use all the power that I have on radio and television to bring horror into the world of people who are trying to do that.”
What a loving Christian attitude of acceptance, reconciliation, and peace he has! His attitude of 'peace and goodwill toward men' really brings a tear to yer eye, doesn't it? *giant rolleyes*
Sorta reminds me of Pope John Paul II. Well, except for about EVERY WORD THAT COMES OUT OF THIS GUY'S MOUTH, that is. :P
Has this guy ever even *read* the bible? Does he even remotely grasp the fact that a CHRISTIAN is supposed to be one striving to be CHRIST-like? That's sorta why they call themselves 'Christians' ya know?
What does he think then? That Jesus went around "bringing horror into the worlds" of people who didn't immediately accept him as God?
Bill O'Reilly is so far off base with this one that he's not even in the same universe anymore, let alone the same ballpark.
And he betrays himself with his own words, because a TRUE Christian would never say the sorts of things he has said. Never in a million years.
To Bill, this is NOT about religion, or 'putting the Christ back in Christmas'. Because if he gave a DAMN about Christ, he'd be more concerned about putting Christ into Bill O'Reilly than he would be about putting Christ into Christmas. And if he gave a damn about putting Christ into Bill O'Reilly, he sure as hell wouldn't be spewing the kind of hate he does on a daily basis. I was always under the impression that the real challenge of Christianity was in loving those who are NOT like you - I mean, that is most definitely Christ's example, anyway. It's EASY to love those who are just like you. Shoot, the Pharisees did that, ya know? *lol* The call of the Christian is to be something MORE than that. To love even the most unloveable.
And one thing is for certain: I am NOT 'feelin' the love' from Bill O'Reilly.
The truth is that Bill O'Reilly is the biggest fake around. He's not in this little manufactured battle because of some moral or religious conviction. He's in it for one reason and for one reason only: To keep the pot stirred up between the right and the left in this country. He is not about 'bringing together', as Christ would do. He is about *polarizing* the people of this country to the greatest possible extreme. Because the further he can pull us apart, the more books he will sell. And the more books he sells, the more money goes into Bill O'Reilly's pocket.
I really wish the Right would wake up and begin to 'get' this obvious fact. But he feeds into the hatred component of the Bubba Factor...and so they listen to him. He allows them to justify their own hatreds by providing a guise of 'morality' and 'Christian values'.
When really, his 'values' are anything BUT moral or Christian.
bloodsucking whores,
idiotic celebrities,