Unlocked post!

Sep 01, 2000 19:29

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Comments 4

rogerdoger March 4 2012, 17:15:16 UTC
Hey I'm not sure if this is the best place to contact you. but any word from Michelle? (deepseasiren) If you are in contact with her, let her know I'm thinking of her and wish her the best. Is there an address I can drop her a postcard? if that's even something that she'd like?


pktaxwench March 4 2012, 23:19:54 UTC
Nope, no word, talked to her parents yesterday, they don't have new info. I will ask about an address for postcards.


arielstreasures May 20 2021, 19:06:25 UTC

loved your icon :)

if you still use this, friend me and i'll friend you back :)


presentiment April 3 2012, 03:04:52 UTC
I sent you a message, but figured I'd go ahead and pop in here, too! I'm sorry you had to lock your journal due to other peoples crazy (I may have done the same thing because of a certain someone you know). I'd very much like to be get to know you, since we apparently have a great deal in common!


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