Four years ago today I made my very first livejournal post.
Here it is. In the time since I have made 93 posts, not including this one. That may not seem like a lot, but to be honest, it's more than I thought it would be. I wanted to count the number of times I wrote of something personal, emotional, or really really inportant to me, but I got bored and gave up. I'll bet it's no more than five though. The remainder include drivel about bikes (8), random quotes (7), reminders that I'm not dead (3), rants about Xmas music in November (2), decriptions of near death experiences (3), and promises to use livejournal more often (7). Here I make no promises, but in honor of this day, I present you with a selection of some of my favorite posts. Most I found amusing, some I found thought provoking, and one I included simply because I think it's important. That said, here we go.
Now, I believe, begins the best part of my day. I consumed the remainder of my pastry without major incident. "Well, since I'm in Appleton now I don't have to worry about getting gang-banged!" All night my grandfather called me Leon. My cousin James has been shot in the head. He's dead. That's all we know.---> related follow up to the above How can I be expected to thrive in an environment where my damage deposit is in jeopardy with every quest? Arrive at Metrodome. Pee on Metrodome. Sweet. I broke my bike. I will likely be in great amounts of pain for days. I feel like a fucking idiot. But for five minutes, I was free. Maple syrup. Not that Log Cabin crap. The good stuff. I almost died today. But then I didn't. Thanks kids. You've been great.