MTV angers me

May 20, 2004 12:13

Couple quick things. First, was Carson Daly that awesome an MTV personality that it took 4 douchebags to replace him (Dan wysocki). He sucked, and all these new people suck, i know this because i'm home at 4, and around the horn does take commercial breaks. God damnit, one of the girls is named LA LA. Thats a tele tubbie not a fucking person. Also, why is Avril Lavigne always talking about kicking peoples asses. In all seriousness, who is she beating up. I defy her to punch me anyone willing to hit a girl and see what happens. Me, i wouldnt hit a girl, so i'd do something else. They'd probably find her arms and legs bound by that stupid neck tie she wears, and she'd be listening to her own music for hours on end. Then she would really know suffering. On another note, Girard and I start the best job ever tonight. Which one of us fucks this up first? The over under is pretty even on that one right now. Also, I plan on revealing more of the Girard/Iowa weekend pictures, there is a ton of man on man contact due to his gayness during photo time.
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