Nov 24, 2010 09:37
“…Do you want to dance?”
[A small girl in a pink dress, complete with ribboned pigtails, suddenly appears on the screen. She’s blushing heavily, and hugging herself with her arms as to make herself seem smaller.]
[Slowly, she opens her eyes, revealing rather pretty blue ones. Her blush quickly fades, replaced by a look of panic.]
Where-where did you go?
[She’s in what looks like a trashed park, complete with dangling swing sets and a destroyed slide. She takes a few cautious steps forward.]
..Where am I?
[Taking another step forward, she loses her balance slightly and scrapes her leg against a sharp stick. Clutching her leg, she sits down.]
Did..did Giegue bring me here?
It’s so empty.
[Holding back tears, she fails to notice she is being recorded. Green light emanates from under her hand, and when she drops it to her side, the scratch on her leg is gone. ]
this isn't america!,
ana is sad moeblob,
being a little psychic