Well, that's interesting...

Sep 13, 2007 14:17

1. Go to http://www.careercruising.com/.
2. Put in Username: nycareers, Password: landmark.
3. Take their "Career Matchmaker" questions.
4. Post the top ten results. (I posted 20)

1. Archivist (duh!)
2. Special Effects Technician (huh?)
3. Sheet Metal Worker (WTF?)
4. Automotive Painter (ditto)
5. Actor (stagefright ring a bell?)
6. Sign Maker (boooring...)
7. Autobody Repairer (meh)
8. Gunsmith (ha!)
9. Dental Lab Tech (eeew)
10. Glazier (I don't do windows...)
11. Costume Designer (that could be fun, but too fashion-oriented for me...)
12. Set Designer (and the "no artistic talent at all" factors in how?)
13. Printing Press Operator (could see that)
14. Personal Financial Planner (Really want me managing your money?)
15. Miner (Underground) (black lung)
16. Makeup Artist (HA!)
17. Magician (abracadabra)
18. Anthropologist (duh)
19. Casting Director (ooh, I could create the next big star!)
20. Ship's Crew (......)


Well, that was fascinating, wasn't it?

In other news, I didn't get the job at Barnes and Noble. Not overly surprising, since I don't guess the interview went as well as I'd hoped. But whatever. I got an interview, so that's something.

I'm probably going to go around and turn in more applications at places that might be hiring for the holidays. Pennies, BB&B, Target, Best Buy, whatever stores are still open in the mall. Maybe a coffee shop somewhere is hiring.... *shrug*

But I do think I'm going to get the Lincoln Center job. I've done the second interview, the drug test, and am just waiting for the background check to come through. Hopefully I'll be employed before my birthday.

And, though I called her directly, I'd like to say a belated Happy Birthday to ayla_britestar. Hope it was fun!
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