I happen to be the only mod who doesn't actually play the pokémon games, so sometimes I have no idea what a pokémon is called.
Like, yesterday, I was thinking there was a pokémon that I thought was really cool... but I don't remember what it was.
If you can tell me based on this description, I'll give you three random cards!
You only get one guess, so make it good!
If you recolored this pokémon's crown and inked its brow, it'd look ~*~just like~*~ one of my favorite redheads. Speaking of crowns, the skeleton of this pokémon's evolved form would probably look a whole lot like the "final evolved form" of [ redhead ]'s weapon, whose name partially translates to "baboon king."
This pokémon is based off of a real-life animal (hint: it's not a baboon-- it's not even a mammal.) If you can tell me who in [ redhead ]'s life keeps these real-life animals as pets, I'll give you one extra random card. (I'll accept one of 4 answers)
1. They pretty much share a general reputation when it comes to fighting.
2. [ redhead ] is terrible with spell-based attack. And ironically, this pokémon would probably be really bad at that too...
3. They can both live and adapt to the dirtiest of their natural habitats.
This round ends 9/29/09.
Last Week: Seadra, and the bonus was on the inside of the armor/back of the neck (but if you said suit of armor I accepted it)!