I happen to be the only mod who doesn't actually play the pokémon games, so sometimes I have no idea what a pokémon is called.
Like, yesterday, I was thinking there was a pokémon that I thought was really cool... but I don't remember what it was.
If you can tell me based on this description, I'll give you three random cards!
You only get one guess, so make it good!
This unevolved pokémon looks to me like Sonic the Hedgehog got into Pride Land from Kingdom Hearts II. Is that a paopu fruit? Oh, no, it's missing a spike.
You get a bonus random card if you can also tell me a special legend that revolves around the paopu fruit!
This round ends 8/31/09.
Last Week: When Paras evolves into Parasect, the eyes get SUPER WONKY.