Poké !
! :D
This is the coolest thing ever!! Our city hall went Poke-CRAZY! <3 (And Hayao Miyazaki and anime crazy)
I just had to share this with everyone! :)
*Prepare for VERY image heavy blog*.
Here's the vid, and more detailed pics of everything! ^__^
Click to view
RIGHT when you come on you're greeted by a GIANT 7-8 foot Pikachu that's made entirely of bottles! :O
This is by far my favorite tree! YES I'm about 99% sure the Pokedolls are booties, but in this case I can understand they used booties as appose to the expensive and rare versions! Booties for the sake of art! :D
Look how cute they are in their hula skirts and leis! <3 ^__^
Glitter adorned TCG cards!
Look at the silly Dewott, angry he has to wear a grass skirt. <3
(Ps. He thundershocks too!! ;D)
Ornaments from another tree! They even got gen 6 Pokemon on there! :D
Adorable tree made of a lot of handmade ornaments, and little cute things! The "star" is a Pikachu, of course! ;D
Some more details of the tree! :3
Lastly (in the Poke-category) here are some amazing details from around the event! :D
Also, note the giant TCG cards! o__o *drools*
And noooow, for all the fellow Hayao Miyazaki fans (I'm a giant Studio Ghibli nerd, as well as Pokemon), here are some non pokemon trees, with Totoro, and Ponyo! <3