sucky the electric eel is here with more MPC to show off.....wait, didn't you just post this earlier in the week gin? stop double posting GIN!!!!
i confess, you caught sucky and i. or... it's just that a ton of MPC come out all in the span of three weeks. you decide!
let's on to the MPC and find out what we have! we're back to regular six pokemon sets now! let's see what sucky has to show you all!
sucky's buddies before they go off to their new adopted homes.
my FIRST NON-ELECTRIC MPC!!!!!!!!!!! i'm so EXCITEDS!!
i accidentally this many extras. sucky is feeling a bit tired of this.
but man all these wargles. so brave and strong and free. *wiping a patriotic tear*
all my lt. surges legit feel like this right now.
amber waves of grain by ~
heerosferret on
because i sense it coming: all of those extras do have homes already ;_;!!! i am sorry. but i will have a MAMANBOU/ALOHOMORA* MPC from the next set for grabs if anyone might like it! she would be 19$ shipped.
EDIT: *errrr this is actually a harry potter spell and not the fish's name as some have pointed out, but that makes me feel like not changing day i will learn these english names :D
also, these are a thing next week. :D yes i'll pick them up dears!