ModPost: Monthly Reminder

Jun 15, 2011 19:53

Alrighty, it's ModPost: Monthly Reminder time! I will be reiterating and covering rules that have been consistently broken and/or ignored lately. So please read this post thoroughly regardless if you are a new or tenured member.

Did you know you cannot post more than once a day?
Our community is extremely large, and by posting multiple times per day you are cluttering up the page. The only exception to this is if you’re posting about NEWLY ANNOUNCED MERCHANDISE. Otherwise, your post will be deleted. This rule does not mean you SHOULD post once a day every day. Please do not do this unless every single post has new and original material.

You didn't know? Please take the time to read our community rules before making your next post.

Did you know advertising/posting links to/encouraging to purchase bootlegged items is against the rules?
We do not condone supporting illegal sales. This rule does not bar you from posting about bootleg/fake/unofficial items in your collection; only the advertising of bootleg companies/sellers. You may sell bootleg items, as long as they are CLEARLY LABELED, only because the items are already purchased and no more money will be going back to the companies.

You didn't know? Please take the time to read our community rules before making your next post.

Did you know selling non-Pokemon related items on this community is no longer allowed?
We are a Pokemon collecting community. Non-Pokemon related items may no longer be sold on our community - no ifs, ands or buts. If you have a sales post on your personal journal please keep your non-Pokemon items on a completely separate post. If you do not want to do this you do not have any obligation to advertise your sales here. You may link to your non-Pokemon sales on a sales post hosted in your own LJ. Non-Pokemon items in GA lots are the one exception to this rule.

You didn't know? Please take the time to read our community rules before making your next post.

Did you know making posts asking who you owe money to is against the rules?
It is your responsibility to keep a record of your purchases/sales and contact members privately via LJ PM, email, or AIM.

You didn't know? Please take the time to read our community rules before making your next post.

Did you know posting links to auctions in progress (i.e. eBay, Y!J, ect.) are no longer allowed?
These posts are often called “cool yahoo japan/ebay finds,” and are often abandoned right after being posted. This is unfair to the people already bidding on these items who do not want their auctions advertised to add more competition.

You didn't know? Please take the time to read our community rules before making your next post.

Did you know excessive mini modding is against the rules?
A member breaking a rule should only be told once of their infraction. Feel free to copy/paste a rule from this page if you are unsure of how to be polite when pointing out rule-breaking. Notify either Gin or myself if something needs to be addressed. There is a big difference between friendly reminders and excessively mini modding.

EDIT: To clarify; we encourage friendly reminders - friendly reminders are not against the rules.

You didn't know? Please take the time to read our community rules before making your next post.

Did you know customs/artwork posts may only be done twice a month?
Customs Artists may only post about their custom work twice a month. Unless you are hosting an auction for a commission slot or a finished item, in which case you may post once advertising the auction and again as a reminder, for a total of FOUR custom posts a month. No, mixing your customs posts with your regular posts is NOT a loophole to get around this rule, sorry.

You didn't know? Please take the time to read our community rules before making your next post.

Did you know you are allowed only one reminder post per our community rules?
There is only need for ONE "reminder post" for your auctions/best offers/store runs/group auctions/anything you are running. We do not need a reminder once a day for a week about the same items. This rule applies to a post whose sole purpose is a reminder, simple text reminders added to your posts are not limited. This has been happening too much lately, especially with customs.

You didn't know? Please take the time to read our community rules before making your next post.

In fact... everyone, please take 5 - 10 minutes and reread our community rules. It is shameful that I've had to post a reminder about so many of our community rules.

Also for those with sales permission - if you've accepted someones offer on an item (or items) only to later decline it because you received a higher offer... this is completely unacceptable behavior. Gin is currently on vacation, but I will be working with her to add this to the rules. If you wanted more money for the item(s) you SHOULDN'T accept an offer. If you DO accept an offer then you need to follow through with that commitment. I've seen this a lot lately and to be frank, it's ridiculous and unprofessional. Anyone I see who is doing this will have their permission to sell on this community temporarily revoked until Gin and I come to a conclusion to either allow you to retain your sales permission or if you will be permanently banned from selling.

Thank you and remember...

Scraggy we are watching you. ♥


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