Very belated introduction and collection post

Feb 09, 2011 00:41

Even though I've been part of the community and buying stuff for about a year now, I never made an introductory post, so now seems like a good time. I somewhat collect a seemingly random assortment of my favorite Pokemon (though my favorite is Kangaskhan), mostly spurred on by the collection of my girlfriend, user kawaiikes. She bought most of my stuff for me too xD

Kids, zukans and Kangaskhan collection

Most of my plush...

Plusle and Minun Hasbro plush

Tsutarja/Snivy talking plush and B/W tour plush. P-chan and Pikachu are Kes's.

Figures from my desk and pin/patches from B/W tour

Me and Kes at the B/W tour in Seattle!

Thanks for reading!


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