Major emergency sales

Jan 29, 2011 18:15

I have a small emergency and thus it is sales time! Major sales including pikachu world items, pokedolls, etc, lots of new things.
Check it out:

don't forget my auctions either! I'll be posting the reminder tomorrow, but they're on my LJ for custom plush.

Time for something AMAZING!!! I got the best collection getto yet!

DVDSSSSS and not just any DVDs, rare and luscious rental DVDs!

the covers, and the obvious reason why I got them; all the Togekiss contest eps in one place!!!
My laptop can play them, which means luscious screenshots and new avvys!

The disc is pulled out the top in the special rental case

open and enjoy <3

it also came in the most way epic bag!!!

cards, unown, skitty, cyndaquil, tangrowth, clefairy, mew, glameow, torterra, muk, minccino, snivy, zorua, celebi, togekiss, jirachi, zubat, suicune, sableye, espeon, buizel, tepig, beautifly, croagunk, people, eevee, wobbuffet, heracross, oshawott, reshiram, darkrai, zoroark, gengar, piplup, togetic, sunflora, arceus, turtwig, pikachu, vileplume, shellder, lapras, ledyba, piloswine, drifloon, glaceon, gen5, houndour, collection, clefable, butterfree, machamp, vespiquen, dragonite, mewtwo, charizard, pichu

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