Landsharks. Here.

Jun 04, 2010 22:20

Sorry if I've been very slow again - I went to Expo on Saturday (which was amazing!), and got a free flu infection from the tube (Because I always seem to catch chest infections from London).

But. Here's a quick collection update, thanks to two amazing individuals (with a promise I'll answer emails in the next half hour).

YES. I finally have the elusive Real Action Jakks Electronic Garchomp. Meet Luxord (cuz I'm full of original names like that).

Obligatory back shot.

Against regular Jakks Garchomp.

....I somehow think this pic would be way better with camera lighting. Seriously, the lighting in my room is terrible.

Although not much has changed since last time (bawww), here's a collection update of my Landsharks.

All of them, together with one Gible & Gabite AWOL.

Oh yes, Satoshi the Noctowl and his crew have now been moved elsewhere. Sorry pal :(

Anyway - Left part of the shelf. A Gabite and a Gible are both MIA.

An attempt to show you the side.

Pencil Topper, shiny Chompy & Gabite Palace figure are my faves here <3

Last part of the shelf.

Cuz you can't see them too well. Lv.X was a lucky grab - One random pack in Narita Airport, and this guy popped out...... I love Narita even more than Tokyo I think ._.

And also! Some other random bits. There's more items like these, but I'm not well enough to search through 13,000+ items to look for them ._.;

Dragon-style tin! Epic chompy here.

Random Garchomp chocolate & DS game case.

Last but not least, my fave Landshark sticker. It's a young Demyx getting attacked by a younger Luxord, yay.

And I finish this cut off with Luxord once more.

Once again, a HUGE thank you to both fernchu (for informing me of the auction!) & snowball21 for being my middleman. You have no idea how much this Garchomp has made my day, I really cannot thank you enough. And a special thank you to all those who were willing to help me as well! This comm really is the most amazing place I've ever found anywhere <3

Of course, I'm interested in ANY Gible/Gabite/Garchomp figures/stamps I don't have, so please let me know if you're selling any!

Oh, and last note - Still looking for these Squirtle line plushies!

I'm pretty sure that's everything. But watch me return to edit this post -_-

gabite, gible, garchomp, collection

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